Jalan Tikus Blogger Version 3.0
Type : Blogger
Template Name :Jalan Tikus Blogger Version 3.0
Author : Idblanter
Author Site : www.idblanter.com
Publisher By : www.Camtemplate.com
About This Template : Jalan Tikus Blogger Version 3.0 Is making for Improvements and additions from this version quite a lot, especially on the homepage that is very different from previous versions, such as additional widgets Recent Post by label, widget recommendation, etc. Improvements in this version which is part of a more neat responsive than previous versions, and many bugs that I correct in this version.
This free transfer you'll be able to not take away footer credit link and might not get supported from model owner . we tend to simply provides a re-share purpose solely.
إرسال تعليق
جميع الردود تعبّر عن رأي كاتبيها فقط. حريّة النقد والرد متاحة لجميع الزوار بشرط أن لا يكون الرد خارج نطاق الموضوع وأن يكون خال من الكلمات البذيئة. تذكّر قول الله عز وجل (مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلاَّ لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيد).